IMPIT 2002-2004 pictures

31 August 2002

Where I live

The dormitory
The balcony view
The kitchen
The bathroom
My neighbour Carsten's room
My room

Where I study

The Information Tehcnology department - outside view
The staircase
The inner yard
The computer room

1 September 2002

Party at the lake

Lake view 1
Lake view 2
Lake view 3
The fire

2 September 2002

IMPIT orientation meeting

Picture 1
Picture 2

The following sections only have thumbnail versions of the pictures - if you want the full ones, e-mail me.

6 October 2002

The FinnHits party

10 October 2002

The move-in party at Fabian's new place

14 December 2002

The spanish party from Anabel and Aranza

5 February 2003

The russian evening at South Carelian Polytechnic

20 February 2003

Liugur sledging event (pictures from Raiko Eckstein)

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Made by Alexander Kanavin. E-mail to