Listen to the music!
Select one of the following pieces:
Excerpt from Shooting-Star (0:37, 300 Kb,
from the album "Beam-Scape"(1984))
Excerpt from Timber-Wave-Reflections (0:31,
250 Kb, from the album "Beam-Scape"(1984))
Excerpt from Dancing Venus (0:31, 250 Kb, from
the album "Electronic Universe I"(1985))
Excerpt from Fluting Electronic Universe (4:45,
2231 Kb, from the album "Electronic Universe I"(1985))
Excerpt from Syn-Code-A (3:32, 830 Kb, from
the album "Syn-Code"(1987))
Solar Winds+excerpt from Message of Mars
(5:48, 1359 Kb, from the album "Electronic Universe II"(1989))
Excerpt from Touch Me (0:15, 59 Kb, from
the album "Modesty-Blaze II"(1992))
Excerpt from But Music is Better (0:29,
116 Kb, from the album "Modesty-Blaze II"(1992))
Excerpt from Space Design (4:42, 1107 Kb,
from the album "Space Design"(1993))
Heaven-to-Hell entirely (5:56, 2778 Kb, from
the album "Heaven-to-Hell"(1995))
Swell-to-Doubt entirely (7:57, 3705 Kb, from
the album "Heaven-to-Hell"(1995))
Thanks to RT-Distrbution
for Modesty-Blaze II samples
Thanks to Hyperreal
for .au samples
to Software Introduction