Party like it's 1992

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           C E R E U S

Cereus Software


MSGVIEW by Andrey Kosyakov views FIDONet messages

msgview by caseq/cereus

msgview1.arj v0.93β


OBJVIEW by Viacheslav Slavinsky views object files produced by its contemporary compilers

objview by svo/cereus

objv-27.rar v2.7β
objview.exe unpacked and patched version (?)


CEREUS (possible name, missing) was a little intro with a spinning floppy floating in space and some scroller text. If you have it, please send it to svofski gmail com.

It looked approximately like this ;)

Warning: it may be very taxing for a low performance GPU

Good-bye and have a nice DOS!
Updated: Wed, 04 Mar 2009 16:21:25 +0300